Are you a farmer, gardener, foodie, or lover of local foods & farms?
Join Us!
Aloha and welcome to the official web portal for Hawai’i Farmers Union United (HFUU) now representing 15 regional chapters across 6 Hawaiian islands. HFUU (est. 2010) is the fastest growing state chapter within the National Farmers Union (est. 1902). Meet our Leadership, review our bylaws, policies, or contact us.
- Under the Member menu discover our generous member benefits, join or renew your membership.
- Use the pulldown under chapters to learn more Hawai'i's unique agricultural regions and see if there is a chapter in your area.
- Make sure you are subscribed to our Email Newsletter so that you receive updates about HFUU, ag related events and opportunities, and upcoming chapter meetings in your area.
- You can find press releases along with HFUU presidents and committee reports on our blog. To control your profile and preferences and subscribe to newsletters create an account, Login.
- Creating a local food movement for now and future generations requires participation as a producer and consumer in making Hawai’i food secure and self sustaining. If you value our mission, tax deductible donations are accepted through the HFU Foundation. Mahalo nui loa.
Our Work
HFUU represents and advocates for family farmers and ranchers on all of the Hawaiian Islands. Our members represent: Farm Owners/Operators, Foodies, Ranchers, Gardeners, Perma-culturalists, Cultural practitioners, Landscapers, and Suppliers & Businesses that are part of the local food chain.
HFUU and NFU (National Farmers Union) membership offers educational opportunities for youth and adults at local, state and national levels; an On-Farm Mentoring (FAM) Program in Hawaii, Internship Program in Washington, D.C., and many others.
The HFUU Legislative Committee participates collaboratively with the Policy Committee, coalitions, organizations, and agencies to articulate, promote and work to establish legislation and policies that align with the mission and vision of HFUU.
Blog: Union Statewide News and Updates
2017 Census of Agriculture gets underway
USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service has started mailing the 2017 Census of Agriculture to our nation’s producers. Mailing in phases, all census questionnaires should be received by late December. The deadline to respond is February 5, 2018. Producers can respond online at (take advantage of new time-saving features and the convenience of being accessible…
President’s Report, 2017 NFU Summer Meeting
HFUU President Report Summer Meeting, July 9-13, 2017 National Farmers Union Board of Directors The 2017 summer meeting was held in Jamestown, North Dakota, a first in this neck of the woods for me. North Dakota Farmers Union has an impressive home base in Jamestown with one acre under roof and their offices and insurance…
14 Graduate from HFUF-HFUU Farm Apprentice Mentoring (FAM) Program
Congratulations go out to the fourteen apprentices (see list below with their visions) in the Farm Apprentice Mentoring (FAM) Program who graduated from Phase 1 of HFUU’s farmer training program Thursday, June 29th, at UH-Maui College. Equipped with over 250 hours of course work and on farm demonstrations in regenerative agricultural practices, FAM this year had 10 farm mentors, who…
HI Ag Conference, AG2017, Seeking Presenters
The 2017 Ag Conference call for proposals was extended to April 17. Review the call for proposal here. Application is at the bottom of the page: The Agricultural Leadership Foundation of Hawai‘i (ALFH) will host the Hawai‘i Agriculture Conference, AG2017, on August 29-30, 2017 at the Hawai‘i Convention Center. The Hawai‘i AG2017 Organizing Committee…
Job Opening: Maui HFUU Chapter FAM Program
Job Opening – Farm Apprentice Mentoring (FAM) Program Hawaii Farmers Union United Assistant Program Director FAM Assistant Program Director would have experience as a farmer on Maui, and have excellent writing and communication skills, extensive computer and social media skills, strong knowledge of the Hawaii Farmers Union and how to connect FAM program apprentices with…
2017 National Young Farmers Survey
Dear Farmers and Ranchers, Thank you for taking time to participate in the National Young Farmers Coalition’s 2017 survey, created in partnership with George Washington University. We will use this information to guide our work, craft our next policy platform, and help break down the barriers facing young people looking to enter agriculture. Your responses…
Support Tiny House Legislation – House Bill (HB2)
Tiny Houses are capturing the imagination as a creative solution to Hawaii’s affordable housing crisis. State Representative Cindy Evans has a pivotal new House Bill (HB2) on the floor that has passed review by both the Agriculture and Judiciary Committees and is now heading for a vote on the floor of the House of Representatives…
Secure Your Family Farm for the Future Topics include: • Tax planning • Legal planning • Conflict management • Transition team professionals • Guest speakers: Dale Bonar, Ph.D.; Kyle Caires, Ph.D.; Kristen Spees, Attorney at Law; Kendra Wong, C.P.A.; Bevanne Bowers, Mediator & Attorney at Law, & more