Speaker Series #30: Integrated Aquaculture & Aquaponics | Hosted by Kona Chapter, Chantal Chung & Dr. Maria Haws

HFUU Kona Chapter President Chantal Chung is one of the founders of Ma`ona Community Garden, which works to support and create community food systems, integrating food production, processing, distribution, and consumption to improve the environmental, social, and economic health of South Kona on Hawai`i Island. Ms. Chung has been working on this project since 2007, creating a 5.54 acre demonstration site for various agricultural techniques, providing growing space for individuals, families and partner organizations, and conducting workshops and outreach sessions which provide resources and hands on experience to increase the capacity of gardeners and farmers.

She has worked with the University of Hawai`i Sea Grant College Program (Hawai`i Sea Grant) since January 2009 where she collaborates with extension faculty in the development, implementation, and evaluation of community-based outreach and educational programming. Hawai`i Sea Grant supports an innovative program of research, extension, education, and communication services to improve the understanding and stewardship of coastal and marine resources. Ms. Chung has 2 children, Lauryn (22) and Xavier (20) Follow her on Instagram & Facebook at @MaonaCommunityGarden to get more involved! Dr. Maria Haws conducts applied research in industry development, technology transfer and student training, specializing in the fields of invertebrate biology, aquaculture and coastal management, and natural resources management policy.

Dr. Haws is a Professor of aquaculture at the University of Hawai`i at Hilo, Pacific Aquaculture and Coastal Resources Resource Center (PACRC) within the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resources Management. She also serves as the Director for the University of Hawaii Center of Excellence for Sustainable Aquaculture.

She also is on the Board of Directors for the Marine and Environmental Research Institute of Pohnpei where she provides technical assistance in aquaculture development of pearls, sponges, corals, marine ornamentals in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands. Find her work on Facebook @PACRC!