Archive for February 2018
HFUU Supported Legislative Action: HB 2105
The House Energy & Environmental Protection committee has scheduled a hearing for Friday, February 16 at 2 p.m. on the following bill: HB2105 HD1 – Relating to Agriculture Appropriates funds to the Department of Agriculture for the establishment and administration of the Agriculture Grant Program to support local food production in the State. HB 2105, HD1…
Read MoreTestimony in Support of HB2102 (Nutrient Cycling) before House Ag Committee
TESTIMONY IN SUPPORT OF HB2102 (NUTRIENT CYCLING) BEFORE THE HOUSE AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE Hearing Date: February 14, 2018, 9:00AM Aloha Chairman Creagan, Vice Chair DeCoite and Members of the House Committee on Agriculture. The Hawaii Farmers Union United (“HFUU”) appreciates the opportunity to testify in support of HB2102 to fund a pilot project to recycle local…
Read MoreHFUU Supported Legislative Action: HB 2301
The House Energy & Environmental Protection committee has scheduled a hearing for Tuesday, February 13 at 8:30 a.m. on the following bill: RELATING TO INVASIVE SPECIES PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION. Restructures the Hawaii Invasive Species Council as the Hawaii Invasive Species Authority, administratively attached to the Department of Agriculture, to coordinate implementation of the Hawaii Interagency Biosecurity…
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