HFUU Supported Legislative Action: HB 2105

The House Energy & Environmental Protection committee has scheduled a hearing for Friday, February 16 at 2 p.m. on the following bill:
HB2105 HD1 – Relating to Agriculture
Appropriates funds to the Department of Agriculture for the establishment and administration of the Agriculture Grant Program to support local food production in the State.
HB 2105, HD1 (HSCR330-18) Status
The full hearing notice may be viewed here.


  1. Yuri Zhuraw on July 25, 2018 at 12:07 pm

    I am a local farmer on the east side of Hawai‘i island and a graduate of UH Hilo college of AG. I support this bill to increase capacity for DOA to service the needs of farmers and their work toward increasing local food production in the state of Hawaii.

  2. Kyle Clarkin on November 5, 2019 at 9:07 am

    The department of agriculture currently receives less than 1% of the state’s total fiscal year budget. This bill and others like it need to go through, in order to increase Hawaiis food production to what the state themselves are projecting to reach this coming year, 2020. Togeather we can make it happen, the community and hard working people in it are ready. Funding must be there in order to help bring our experienced farmers to new levels and to help establish new operations.