HFUU Supported Legislative Action: HB 2301
The House Energy & Environmental Protection committee has scheduled a hearing for Tuesday, February 13 at 8:30 a.m. on the following bill:
Restructures the Hawaii Invasive Species Council as the Hawaii Invasive Species Authority, administratively attached to the Department of Agriculture, to coordinate implementation of the Hawaii Interagency Biosecurity Plan and to improve coordination of the State’s invasive species prevention, early detection, rapid response, control, enforcement, and outreach programs. Appropriates funds to implement the Authority and relevant interagency invasive species projects. (HB2301 HD1)
Restructures the Hawaii Invasive Species Council as the Hawaii Invasive Species Authority, administratively attached to the Department of Agriculture, to coordinate implementation of the Hawaii Interagency Biosecurity Plan and to improve coordination of the State’s invasive species prevention, early detection, rapid response, control, enforcement, and outreach programs. Appropriates funds to implement the Authority and relevant interagency invasive species projects. (HB2301 HD1)
HB 2301, HD1 (HSCR238-18) Status
The full hearing notice may be viewed here.