HFUU Community Music & Speaker Series #6: Micah Nelson & Woody Maijers
Wednesday, August 19th 6:30pm
Join Musician, Artist and Farmer Micah Nelson and Professor Woody Maijers, expert from Holland discussing Redesigning our Hawaii Food Ecosystem: Lessons from Holland and beyond.
Micah Nelson

J. Micah Nelson comes from a lineage of musical and cultural pioneers, growing up touring with his father Willie Nelson and his brother Lukas Nelson, he has always been surrounded with vibrant and authentic creative spirits. Both a talented visionary artist and iconoclastic musician, he has performed with various acts at events like FarmAid, Neil Young’s Bridge-School Benefit, Desert Trip festival, Lightning in a Bottle, Coachella, Bonnaroo Festival as well as shows like Conan O’brien, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and more. He has showcased his artwork and music in countless other venues, spanning the creative spectrum. From his involvement in the psych-punk-orchestra Insects vs. Robots, his ongoing musical collaborations and extensive touring with Neil Young, his live performance-painting and multi-instrumental contributions to the band POTR with his brother Lukas, to his cymatic visualizations of dancing water molecules, idiosyncratic charango performance, and singing/songwriting/guitar playing with his future-folk project Pårticle Kid, Micah is constantly exploring the symbiosis of light/sound/vibration, striving to discover new emotions through various forms of expression, and seeking to touch the outer reaches of the synesthetic experience.

IG: @particlekid
FB: @particlekid3
Professor Woody Maijers (Holland):

Woody works in international projects in the field of food system value chain and cluster development of new courses for workforce development in agribusiness. At Inholland University he developed courses for horticulture and agribusiness and is lead of the Inholland Sustainable Solution program: Feeding & Greening Megacities. He is an expert in vertical farming and redesigning food value chains. In addition to his work as a lecturer, Woody is a Value Chain Coach, which focuses on innovative projects in the agri-food sector and works on new forms of business learning as director of the Rollover Education foundation. Maijers is co-author of the book Living Agri-Food Chains.
Reference: National Geographic 2017 Article: How this tiny country feeds the world
Join us Live on Zoom
6:30pm Zoom Room Opens – Open to public, please register on www.hfuu.org
6:45pm Micah Nelson
7:05pm Vincent Mina HFUU
7:20pm Woody Maijers: Food Systems
8:00pm Micah Nelson Wraps up
8:15pm A Hui Hou
Topic: HFUU Community Music & Speaker #6 Micah Nelson & Woody Maijers
Time: Aug 19, 2020 06:30 PM Hawaii
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