FAM (Farm Apprenticeship Mentoring) now accepting applications for 2021-2022 Cohort
Maui’s agricultural future is now.
Maui, HI.: The Hawaii Farmers Union United is excited to announce applications are now being accepted for the Farm Apprentice Mentoring (FAM) programs’ 7th cohort! Led by the dynamic team of Sara Gilligan, Outreach and FAM Program Director, and Makenna Anderson, Outreach and Program Coordinator.
Sara brings over 20 years of farming experience to the program. She has a diverse background working on farms cultivating a wide variety of crops including fruit trees, native plants, wine grapes, medicinal herbs, and every vegetable you can think of. Sara is certified in permaculture, medicinal herbalism, has a BA in Ecological Agriculture and is thrilled to be a part of forwarding sustainable agriculture on Maui.
Makenna grew up on Maui and recently returned after completing her Business Administration studies. The FAM program utilizes her knowledge in marketing, online media content development in the hospitality and service industry to work in support of expanding our farming community.
The Farmer Apprentice Mentoring (FAM) program, now in its seventh year, is the flagship educational initiative of the Hawaii Farmers Union. It is designed to train aspiring farmers and/or further refine the skillsets of those already working in agriculture toward a successful farm enterprise.
The Hawaii Farmers Union recognizes that the COVID pandemic has focused unprecedented and much needed attention on issues of food security, production methods and community access to wholesome, locally produced food. Like other communities and organizations across the globe, the Hawaii Farmers Union and the FAM program have mobilized resources to ensure a viable and productive agricultural future for Maui.
FAM participants engage in a 7 month, 10-module learning cohort with a curriculum designed by and for farmers and educators. During each module apprentices also engage in on-farm demonstrations of selected topics. Additionally, apprentices have the opportunity to delve deeper into a topic with a paid “immersion component” on working farms. Upon completion of the program, FAM graduates receive a Certification of Professional Development from the University of Hawaii-Maui College’s Office of Continuing Education and Training, as well as a stipend to jumpstart their farming endeavours.
Want to be a part of the change? Applications are being accepted now at hfuu.org.
Contact: Sara Gilligan, Education, Outreach and FAM Program Director, FAM@hfuu.org
I’m interested in applying for the FAM program. Do you have a link to the application.
Thank you!
I found it.