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$500 Grants to Farm Families Impacted by Covid-19

HFUF was awarded $8,500 for small grants of $500 to farm families impacted by Covid-19. In collaboration with the Kohala Center and HFUU Chapters, these grants will be selected by July 31st. Farmers will need to apply for these grants which are due on July 28th.

Download the criteria and information

Download the application

Farm Aid COVID-19 Farmer Resilience Initiative Grants

Grant Amount: $500 

Who may apply?  Those whose livelihoods are dedicated to farming.

What is the amount of the payments?   Successful applicants will receive a one-time $500 emergency relief payment from Farm Aid   Funds are being administered by the Hawaii Farmers Union Foundation and The Kohala Center, both 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit organizations.

What is the deadline for grant applications? Tuesday, July 28, 2020, 6 pm

What can the funds be used for? Use of the funds is restricted to household expenses, such as groceries, home utilities, medical bills, or other household expenses not directly related to the commercial operation of the farm or ranch. The funds may not be used for any farm operations, business expenses, or investment.  The IRS guidelines regarding direct assistance to farm families prevents us from granting funds to support the farm and its business costs. Your acceptance of this grant award signifies your understanding and agreement to these use requirements.

How do farmers apply?  

Email a signed copy of the grant application to the Vice President of the Hawaii Farmers Union Foundation, Anny Bruch at  


Please contact Anny Bruch with questions at 

What are the criteria for awarding grants? 

The criteria by which the applications will be assessed include,  

  • Bona fide family farm 
  • Amount of economic loss caused by COVID
  • Whether farmer/farm has access to other federally funded relief funds (i.e. PPP, EIDL).
  • Sustainable methods practiced by the farm 

For the purpose of this program, a bona fide family farm is one in which the family operator(s) of the farm are continually engaged in strategic management and day-to-day operational decisions and provides a substantial amount of on-site labor to operate the farm. 

For the purpose of this program, sustainable farms are defined as farming and/or ranching units that 

  • Produce horticultural crops, tree crops, or animals intended for human consumption, 
  • Integrate goals of environmental stewardship, economic profitability, and social and economic equity into their farming system, 
  • Are recognized as a functioning farm where agricultural production is the primary or substantial means of family income (rural residences that are not producing farms are not eligible), 

What is the application review process?  Applications will be initially reviewed to verify the basic qualifications of operating a working farm in Hawaii. Those applications that meet the basic qualifications will be reviewed by a committee from the Hawaii Farmers Union Foundation United, Hawaii Farmers Union United, and The Kohala Center.

Each reviewer will award points using a 13-point scale: 

  • 1-3 points based on the level of COVID impact to farm business. 
  • 1-3 points based on economic household need.
  • 1 point if farm produces horticultural crops, tree crops, or animals intended for human consumption.
  • 1 point if farm integrates goals of environmental stewardship, economic profitability, and social and economic equity into their farming system.
  • 1-3 points if recognized as a functioning farm where agricultural production is the primary or substantial means of family income.
  • 2 points if you have not received other financial relief.

Each reviewer will rate each application according to the above criteria and the total of each rating will be assigned to the application. The collaborating organizations will then prioritize applications by this rating and the top applicants will be awarded payments. The panel will complete the reviews on Friday, July 31.   Applicants will be contacted via email about awards.

None of the individuals who serve on the panel, including farmers, receive any financial remuneration for their service. Reviewers will not be eligible to apply for the relief funding. Reviewers are expected to issue fair, nonbiased ratings according to the assessment criteria above, and are required to disclose to all the collaborating organizations any potential conflict of interest with any applicant based on familial or financial connection to that applicant.