2022 HFUU Legislative Priorities February 2, 2022

Aloha HFUU Members & Subscribers,
Hawaii Farmers Union United needs your supportive testimonies of SB2288 and HB2466! Please submit testimonies on time, before 10am Thursday 2/3. Please click on the links below to support each bill. For a glitch-free experience, remember to login to capitol.hawaii.gov.


Report Title:HDOA; Compost Reimbursement; Appropriation ($)
Description:Establishes a compost reimbursement program within the Department of Agriculture to provide reimbursements to farmers, ranchers, and landscapers when purchasing compost from a certified processor, dealer, retailer, or wholesaler licensed to do business in the State. Establishes a compost reimbursement program manager position. Appropriates moneys.

The committee(s) has scheduled a public hearing on 02-04-22 1:00PM; Conference Room 224 & Videoconference.


Report Title:Taro; Income Tax; Exemption
Description:Establishes an exemption from state income tax for the first $100,000 of income derived from taro, taro products, and land used to produce taro if the total amount of land used to cultivate taro in Hawaii does not exceed thirty thousand acres at any point in the year.

The committee(s) has scheduled a public hearing on 02-04-22 10:00AM; Conference Room 325 & Videoconference.


Sample Testimony:


Regarding [Name of the Committee and/or Agency You are testifying about]


[Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself and the issue you want to testify about]

Give your first and last name and identify yourself. Ex. “My name is Leilani Jackson and I am a concerned Maui resident/a middle teacher/a mother of three.”

Tell them what you’re testifying about. Ex. “I am testifying on how the lack of funding for reentry programs and services has made it difficult for me to find housing” or “I am testifying about how police presence in my neighborhood has made me and my neighbors feel less safe.”

[Paragraph 2: Tell your story]

Pick an event or issue that you have worked directly on or been affected directly by that you are comfortable sharing with the public.

Tell what services caused this event or issue and how it impacted you.

[Paragraph 3: Explain why you felt the need to testify]

Tell why you wanted to share your story and what you want them to take from your story. The more personal, the more people are better to understand your perspective. 

What would have helped prevent negative experiences or increase positive experiences.

[Paragraph 4:  Give suggestions for solving the issue or problem you have raised.]

What do you think the government should do to make sure others do not have the negative experiences you did or that they have the positive experiences you did?  

What do you think will be helpful in dealing with the issue or problem you talked about?

[Paragraph 5: Thank the Committee/Legislative body]

Thank the chair of the committee if you know their name for reading/hearing your testimony.

Tell them you hope they consider your testimony and the solutions you have suggested. Ex. “Your consideration of these matters and solutions is very much appreciated.”