Kaua’i Chapter Annual Meeting
Apr 17, 2023 4:30PM
Buena Vista Gardens 6180 Ko'olau Rd Kilauea, HI 96754
Cost $0.00
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Categories Chapter Board Meeting

Our next Chapter farm tour will be held at 4:30pm on April 17, 2023 and hosted by Stephen Ciancioso of Buena Vista Gardens in Moloa’a. Buena Vista Gardens is an organic no-till market farm that supplies beautiful produce to local restaurants and grocery stores. Stephen specializes in salad greens, sprouts, culinary herbs, and root vegetables. Stephen will be sharing his experiences of the last six years farming.
The HFUU-Kauai Chapter will also conduct its Annual Meeting and hold elections for its Chapter Board at this time. This announcement is an official notification for a call for nominations for all board positions. If you have any, please send your nominations to Kauai@hfuu.org.
All members are invited, new members are welcomed, and forms will be available to sign up at the meeting. Please join us, bring a friend and a potluck dish to share.
*Directions: turn onto Ko’olau road by Moloa’a fruit stand. Stay on Ko’olau past fruit stand, take right onto a dirt road at 6180 by the green gate posts. Follow signs to Buena Vista Gardens.
Bring a friend, tell a friend. See you there!