Chapter Notes: The Hana Chapter serves farmers in the East Maui communities of Keanae, Hana, Kipahulu and Kaupo. With its remote location, East Maui relies on a self-sufficient agricultural lifestyle, with abundant production of vegetable crops and fruit orchards, as well traditional taro farming, and many tropical flower farms. The opportunities and challenges are unique for East Maui farmers, and we welcome everyone to join the chapter to share knowledge and experience, and work together to support the needs of our farmers. Issues that we address include support for the Hana School garden, invasive species information, and cooperative marketing. We sponsor workshops on farming methods and soil health. Hana Chapter addresses rat lungworm disease response in East Maui through the East Maui RLW Task Force, and offers farm visits to help growers with slug and rat vector control.
The Hana Farmers Market is a project of the Hana Chapter. The chapter is also taking the lead in the design and development of a community certified kitchen and ag processing facility in Hana.
Meeting Schedule: General membership meetings and board meetings are usually held bi-monthly on alternating months, but schedules may vary. Subscribe to the Hana Chapter email newsletter to be notified of meeting dates.
Meeting Time: Typically 4:00pm.
Meeting Location: General membership meetings rotate among member farms, with farm tours and locavore potlucks.
Farmers Market: Hana Farmers Market is held in Hana Town every Friday from 3-5 pm.