Hawai'i Island-East Hawai'i-Chapter

Chapter Mission:
"He Ali'i Ka ʻāina, He Kauwā Ke Kanaka"
The land is the chief, man is the servant.
We firmly believe that regenerative agriculture is the nexus of solutions for the most pressing challenges facing our community today.
-Food security
-Healthy nutrition
-Climate change
-Economic and supply chain upheaval
By empowering small, family farms and focusing on soil health and regenerative farming practices together we can build a strong, thriving food system for our community.
Through strong cooperation, shared education and a collective voice to leverage legislation, together we can manifest that vision, not only for ourselves, but through our actions become a beacon inspiring and activating the wider global community.
We are blessed in the East Hawaii community, to have outstanding resources:
-some of the best soil on the planet, now decades removed from the toxic sugar industry
-abundant rain and underground water
-a wide range of elevations to suit many diverse crops
But our most precious resource is the deeply passionate and knowledgeable farmers that have dedicated themselves to cultivating and stewarding the land.
Together we can build a future to make our keiki and our ancestors proud.
The power of a union, is far greater than the sum of it's parts.
Meeting Schedule: Quarterly
Meeting Time: Varies*
Meeting Location: Varies*
*Subscribe to our newsletter to be notified of the time and place of upcoming meetings, potlucks and educational events.